My Ticker

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Well, my showdown with the dildo cam went well. I have 2 mature follicles, one right and one left. They are both about 18mm. I will wait to hear about my bloodwork, but it loooks like I will inseminate Friday morning. Possibly Saturday, but I got an LH surge on my OPK, so I think I will trigger tonight. I'll hear this afternoon. They usually call 3-4pm. I ordered my sperm for pick up tomorrow.

When we started this whole process we had purchased two ICI vials, as well as a bunch of IUI's. We are going to do an at home ICI, as well this time. I want to put all my eggs in multiple baskets. We used the other ICI the first insemination. I had just wanted to try it, but the IUI in the doctors office would be all I need.

So very exciting. I am ready and I have acupuncture tonight.

1 comment:

R said...

Sending lots and lots of baby dust and positive vibes and energy. enjoy the accupuncture, i know it relaxes me greatly!!