My Ticker

Monday, December 31, 2007

Big sigh

So, yesterday I wake up early and drive my butt into downtown DC to get my blood drawn to confirm my negative beta. (My Bethesda office is only open M-F for monitoring.) I get there and the doors are locked and no one is home. It is early, I am tired and still very emotional. I call the number and get the answering service (because they don't pick up the phone on the weekends). I get a call back in 10 minutes later from the on call DR, and she said that no one was on the schedule so the office was not open. I was supposed to be put on the schedule when I got my IUI. So- I wake up early this morning (again) to go to the office as soon as it opens, because they need the negative beta. (Still tired) No one knows why I was not on the schedule. Everyone is very sorry for the mix up.

I am in near tears from the heartbreak, and the nurse said our timing was spot on and she is not sure why it didn't work. (I know it is not a guarantee, but hearing the nurse say that nearly put me over the edge.) I told her we were taking a month off because I need a break from the side effects. I felt pregnant. I had a lot of symptoms.

And yet... Nothing.
I woke up this morning at 4am, 2 HOURS before the alarm and I could not get back to sleep.

I am, again, heartbroken. This is only getting harder.


Susanica said...

Awww. Damn. I'm really very sorry to hear this news. I'll keep rooting for you--hopefully 2008 will be the charm. Happy New Year to you and your partner. -Monica

R said...

I'm so sorry:(
Taking time off is very healthy and helpful, I must say I'm a firm believer in it. I know I have to stay far away from Clomid, it does not like me. I think 2008 will be a very promising year for us and for us to have out BFP!! :)
Happy New Year, we are gonna go and have a drink :)