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Sunday, August 5, 2007

Try # 2

Okay, IUI #2 is inside me. The insemination went well. Because it is a Sunday, I had to go to the DC office of the fertility center, instead of where I usually go in Bethesda. My doctor was there to do it. It is very exciting.

This Friday I am going to get blood work to check to make sure my progesterone level stays up where it should be. I am excited and hopeful that this could be the one. The timing is good. This time the procedure was barely felt by me. (Last time there was a few minutes of crampy, weird, what the hell is that sensation.) That is after they swapped out the regular speculum for a littlier one. My Love enjoys inseminating me, though she is still a bit freaked out being that close to sperm.

Swim my little spermes, SWIM!

I am feeling pretty good. I hope the two week wait is a full two weeks this time!

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