My Ticker

Sunday, August 19, 2007

98% negative

Well, I am 98% sure I am not pregnant this cycle. I peed on a stick yesterday and today. Today was cycle day 29. I am bleeding, which means it is actually cycle day 1. I didn't think you could bleed on the prometrium. I am bleeding, full flow, as they say. I called the RE office to see if I should keep taking it and if I should keep my blood test appointment for tomorrow. They said yes, until you have a blood test that is negative. They said you can start bleeding on prometrium, but the sound of her voice made me think it is rare... Apparently my body has said, I am done for this month.

Now I am even more sure that I did get pregnant our first cycle, and my low progesterone could not support the baby. Oh the 98% comes from the handout that comes with the First Response pregnancy test. This is hard. Harder than I thought it could be.


Eva said...

Well, it seems as if we are in a similiar situation. This is quite a roller coaster ride, isn't it?

I am looking forward to learning more as I read your blog.

Good luck!

Kim aka Mommy said...

That bites. Here's hoping next month is THE month for us ALL.