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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Easy come, easy go

Well, my cycle just ended/started. On no drugs, I had my regular 27 day cycle with ovulation on day 13. Today is day one, we are most assuredlly out for this cycle, and most likely next cycle as well. This cycle would put a baby due around x-mas, and next would be mid to late January. I am looking at maybe trying to make a February baby. So it looks like the next cycle we MIGHT be able to try start would be mid May. Possibly not until June. Maybe I can be pregnant for my 33rd b-day in June. That would be a nice goal.

Things are still rough at Casa MD Baby Maker's. I hate that money is always an issue. I hate that money limits our dreams.

I have acupuncture today, thank goodness! I can't really afford it, but I get paid on Friday. Good luck to all, I hope your days are smoother.


nutella said...

I'm really sorry things are tough right now. I can imagine that taking breaks totally sucks. But I think having a February baby sounds like a lovely goal. I will be "hopping on the train" in May or June, so perhaps we will both get what we want.

R said...

Uhhhhh!! I know sitting out sucks. Just hang in there, it will get better! At least ya are together working towards your future!

Lizzie said...

Well, yay! for acupuncture and February babies ... and poop! on the money. I know, it sucks.